Difficult Behaviors
5 Effective Ways to Deal With Difficult Behaviours at Work
When dealing with difficult behaviour at work, it is important to keep a record of the problem. You must be aware of how this bad behaviour affects your team's mission and effectiveness. Here are effective ways to deal with difficult behaviour:
Impact of bad behavior on team's mission and effectiveness
While everyone on a team shares some of the responsibilities, difficult behaviour can hamper the progress of the project. Individuals may feel dissatisfied and lose motivation when they don't feel like their work matters. In addition to hampering the team's effectiveness, difficult behaviour can lead to negative feelings of resentment. Here are some ways to manage difficult behaviour and improve the performance of your team.
A team process is an emergent property of individuals' actions and interactions. These processes unfold over time as part of the team's evolution. In a team, these processes may include three distinct aspects:
When people work together toward a common goal, they develop trust and commitment. In addition, they are held personally responsible for each other. This creates an intense sense of mutual responsibility, which in turn yields rich rewards. The members of an effective team found the experience energizing and motivating. However, the negative consequences of difficult behaviour should be minimized as much as possible. It may even be better to prevent or minimize the problematic behaviour.
Research on team effectiveness has focused on small teams, so the findings from this chapter do not apply to large teams. However, they still apply to many teams, including those in science, which typically have fewer than ten members. The committee on team effectiveness assumes that a larger team poses a challenge for team processes. Therefore, this study focuses on a team's mission and effectiveness. The results highlight that it is vital to understand difficult behaviour in order to make the team work well.
It is important to understand the differences between individuals and their colleagues when identifying difficult behaviour. These differences may influence the way the team performs and its social functioning. Team efficacy and performance are directly related when team members are interdependent. Further, there are no standard rules for recognizing and addressing difficult behaviour. Nevertheless, an understanding of the process and how it affects different team members can help leaders and managers address difficult behaviour within their teams.Effective ways to deal with difficult behaviours
While we can't always avoid challenging behaviours, we can change our reactions to them and our behavior towards them. Listed below are 5 effective ways to deal with difficult behaviours at work that will minimise conflict and foster a culture of open communication. Remember, these tips will not always be effective in all situations. Try them out to find out if they can help you with your difficult people. Then, apply them in your own working life.
One of the most important things to remember when dealing with difficult employees is to acknowledge that their actions have negative consequences for others. If you don't acknowledge this, the situation will only get worse, contaminating more people and creating a negative climate in the workplace. Be direct, but don't be afraid to ask for clarification. It's best to learn as much as you can about the situation from your difficult employee. Acknowledging their behavior is important for both of you. It can help the employee take responsibility and improve the situation.
When dealing with challenging behaviours at work, it's vital to distinguish the person from the behaviors. The manager should avoid attacking the character of the employee as this will only put the person on the defensive, and will impede a productive exchange. Instead, focus on identifying specific behaviors that are blocking the employee's progress and address the stress that may be causing it. It's also important to give examples of behaviour that you believe is unacceptable to the company.
Addressing the situation early and keeping it professional can reduce the impact of the situation on everyone's life. Unless the behaviour is clearly irrational, it can make the workplace environment miserable for all of the workers involved. Hence, you should address the difficult person early on so that they can be addressed at an earlier stage. If you wait until you're unsure of the best approach to take, you'll be putting your credibility at risk.
Humor can be an effective way to deal with difficult behaviours at work. If the situation is genuinely funny, you can make light of it by involving your boss or manager. Nevertheless, it's best to prepare yourself for such a conversation before talking to your manager. Address the issues as productivity issues and progress on projects. You might never have to deal with that difficult coworker again! And, in some cases, the situation will get better on its own.
When confronting a difficult person, stand up for your rights. Don't allow them to make you feel bad. It's a way for you to make your point without losing your temper. It also helps to have a clear understanding that the situation is not about your personal feelings. Just remember that the person who is trying to bully you is merely trying to undermine your dignity. You can't rebut them, but you can still stand firm when confronting them.Importance of keeping a record of difficult behaviours
Keeping a record of difficult behaviours at work is an important step in managing employees who have been known to exhibit problematic behavior. The goal of difficult employee management is to come up with a solution that will satisfy both parties. If this is not possible, the employer may be forced to dismiss the employee. Fired employees often take extreme steps to protest the termination, which could damage the reputation of the company.
Keeping a record of difficult behaviours at work helps to identify triggers and understand their full impact. Keeping a record of challenging behaviours at work is critical and should be done even when everything is running smoothly. The more difficult behaviours at work a person displays, the more likely they will appear again. If not handled properly, this behavior could lead to greater damage for the organization.